How It Began…

ZERO Manufacturing began in a small metal shop in southern California named Zierold Metal Corporation and in 1952, the name was changed to ZERO. Formerly known as ZERO Corporation, the company grew to include facilities and operations in several locations around the United States. In 1991 the company consolidated many of its divisions into one facility in North Salt Lake, Utah, USA.

ZERO Manufacturing Today

ZERO is a 300,000 square foot facility located in North Salt Lake, Utah. Since its beginnings in the 1950’s ZERO has been a world supplier of protective cases and enclosures. ZERO’s specialties include quality, deep-drawn and fabricated aluminum and molded plastic cases, enclosures and assemblies for the aerospace, industrial, medical, oil and gas, logistics, electronics and telecommunications markets. ZERO’s real product is protection – ensuring the safe transport and viability of valuable equipment and electronics, without compromise. ZERO provides solutions through a standard product line, or the ability to customize any existing product or engineer and manufacture any protective solution from scratch.

  • Vision

    To be the recognized leader in serving our global customers with protective enclosure SOLUTIONS!

  • Mission

    ZERO is committed to providing innovative protective solutions, exceptional customer service, employee pride, and economic progress.

  • How We Succeed
    • Manufacturing Products that ALWAYS Meet Customer Quality and Delivery Expectations
    • Partnering with Our Customers
    • Cultivating Economic Strength
    • Ensuring a Safe Work Environment

Quality and Certifications

Quality objectives must be established, respected, and achieved by continually complying with and enhancing the effectiveness of ZERO’s Quality Management System.

At ZERO, quality is the core philosophy guiding every step of our manufacturing process. We believe quality objectives must be established, respected, and achieved by continually complying with and enhancing ZERO’s Quality Management System.

ZERO is committed to providing products and services that meet and exceed our customers’ expectations.

  • Business Information

    BUSINESS TYPE: LLC, Type P, State of Delaware. USA

    DUNS: #080484033

  • Certifications

    ISO Certification
    ISO CERTIFICATION: AS91OOD including ISO 9001:2015, Cert. #5560
    System for Award Management
    Military Certifications

    Also, other certificates like FCC, CE, RoHS can be provided when requested; for data cables, we offer MFI certified cables.
    Products can be in compliance with RoHS upon request and specification.

    Registration: Active; FARS and DFARS Complete

  • Compliance

    Conflict Minerals: We are committed to sourcing products from companies that share our values around human rights, ethics, and environmental responsibility. To this end, we have adopted a company policy to ensure conflict-free supply chains and cooperate to enhance traceability and responsible practices. ZERO products do not contain or utilize “Define or Conflict Minerals”.

    FAR and DFARS: Please view our entity registration record for the certifying compliance statement regarding representations and certifications.

    Certification of Affirmative Action Program: Offeror HAS development.

    Certification of Compliance Report:

    • Offerer HAS participated in a previous contract of subcontract subject to the Equal Opportunity clause.
    • Offeror HAS filed all required compliance reports and representation.
    • Certification regarding debarment, suspension, proposed debarment, and/other responsibility matter:
      • ARE NOT present debarred. HAVE NOT within a three-year period been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them.
      • ARE NOT presently indicted.
      • The offeror HAS NOT within a three-year period had one or more contracts terminated for default by any federal agency.


Northrop Grumman Platinum Preferred Award
Gulfstream (General Dynamics Company) Approval of Supplier certificate
Lockheed Martin Valued Supplier Award